When a building permit is required, an application must be filed with the Building Division using the following forms. Once submitted with all the necessary documentation, a permit will be issued after the application has been checked to insure compliance with the Ontario Building Code, the Municipality's Zoning By-Law and any other applicable regulations. The Chief Building Official is responsible for the issuance of all building permits.
How to Submit a Building Permit
- The “Building a House - Application Form Checklist” is a guideline on how to fill out a building permit application and what documentation is required to complete an application.
- Submit your completed application along with all required documentation:
By Email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. In Person or by mail
Municipality of North Grenville,
285 County Rd 44, P.O. Box 130
Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 - Base fee payments are due at time of application. The Building Department only accepts cash, debit, or cheques. Cheques can be made out to the Municipality of North Grenville.
- An inspector will review the application within approximately 10 Business Days; if any further information is required for permit issuance, the inspector will contact the applicant to discuss the outstanding information.
- For building related emergencies, please contact us directly at 613-258-9569 ext 130