Paying Your Water Bill

The Municipality issues water and wastewater bills every 2 months for the prior 2 months usage. Below is an annual schedule of billing dates and the period they cover:

You will receive a billfor the period of
February December 1 – January 31
April February 1 – March 31
June April 1 – May 31
August June 1 – July 31
October August 1 – September 30
December October 1 – November 30

Water meters are read by remote sensors or RF transmitters that are located on the exterior of each home, business and facility that is connected to the water and wastewater system. This information is then downloaded into North Grenville’s billing system and a bill is produced based on these readings.

kitchen tap with water running

Water Billing FAQs

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Accessibility Statement

Municipal Office
285 County Road #44,
PO Box 130
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Monday through Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

General Inquiries

Arena Staff (business hours)
613-258-9569 ext 141 or 175

Arena Staff (evenings/weekends)
613-316-2451 or 613-316-5010

After-hours Emergency Number

Email Us