Curbside Giveaway Weekend!

North Grenville’s Curbside GiveAway Weekend!
Saturday, October 26th & Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Do you have re-useable or unused “stuff” that someone else could use? Put it at the curb for October 26-27th. Let neighbours and community, members pick it up “for free!”
Items can include:
• Furniture and small appliances
• Books, CD’s, VHS tapes and DVD’s
• Building materials
• Kitchen dishes, cutlery, pots and pans
• Any other reuseable unwanted items
Giveaway Weekend Rules:
• Items to be given away are to be placed at curb
• Clearly label items you wish to give away as “FREE”
• Make sure items you want to keep are out of sight
• At the end of the weekend, residents must put away any uncollected items
This event is resident-driven. The Municipality WILL NOT be collecting unwanted items at the end of the weekend. Residents are responsible for putting away any items left at the curb.
October 26, 2024
North Grenville
Event Organizer
613-258-9569 x133