The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking input from the community on additional uses for the provincially owned, 182-acre parcel of farm-side lands formerly owned by Kemptville College – located across from the Kemptville Campus. As plans for the forthcoming correctional facility evolve, the Municipality of North Grenville has been advised by the Ministry of the Solicitor General that there will be significant surplus or remaining lands that are separate and apart from what is required to build the correctional facility.
The use by the community of these surplus lands will not interfere with the plans for the provincial Correctional facility, which the Government of Ontario is progressing toward making operational in due course
Council has formally requested long term use/or permanent acquisition by the Municipality of North Grenville of these surplus farm-side lands that will not be used by the future Correctional facility as soon as possible.
We are seeking valuable input from the public on how best to use the lands to establish community-driven agricultural and related projects.
We are seeking feedback on North Grenville’s vision for a community hub: a multi-faceted community green space that would support education, food production and food security, health, wellness, recreation, environmental sustainability, and economic development.
In April 2022, Council held a Public Engagement Session where residents could provide valuable input on how best to use the surplus farmlands to establish community-driven agricultural and related projects. View the presentation
Correctional Complex
On August 27, 2020, Premier Doug Ford and Ontario Solicitor General Sylvia Jones announced plans to build a new Eastern Ontario Correctional Complex in Kemptville. The project is anticipated to take several years to complete before becoming operational.
The facility will be located on the “farm-side” lands by the Kemptville Campus. These lands have been owned by the Government of Ontario for a long time, and they have full jurisdiction over their use. They also have the authority to build correctional facilities where they see fit.
In 2018, our Municipality acquired 626-acres of the old Kemptville College. The Campus is home to a heritage sugarbush, and hundreds of acres of forested lands, farmlands, wetlands, and several schools and local businesses.
This property is fully within North Grenville’s control and is separate and apart from the location of the proposed provincial Correctional facility on a different parcel of provincially owned farm-side lands on the eastside of County Road 44 close to the 416.
The Municipality of North Grenville is reviewing options for community benefit initiatives on this land. We are seeking valuable input from the public on how best to use the lands to establish community-driven agricultural and related projects.
Community engagement has been a priority for the municipality and Council. Below is an outline of community engagement initiatives to date.
In October 2020 Council urged Ontario’s Ministry of the Solicitor General to fast-track its public consultation efforts. The first meeting to explain their project and answer questions from the local community was held on October 30. Several key stakeholders participated in the meeting, including representatives from the Kemptville District Hospital, the four local school boards, the Salvation Army, the business community and a few others who do not support the new facility. Twelve members of the community in total.
In November 2020, Council advocated for a second meeting open to the public. This second meeting to provide more information and resident questions was held on November 26. Nearly 300 people participated. View the Ministry’s presentation (coming soon).
In December 2020, Council worked with the Ministry of the Solicitor General to host two separate engagement sessions on December 18th. One with the Kemptville District Hospital and another with local School Boards.
March 2021, Council held a Town Hall on March 23rd where residents could attend virtually and ask questions with respect to the Correctional Facility: View Council Town Hall.
May 2021, Council planned an engagement session with the Ministry of the Solicitor General for the English School Board on May 3rd and one with the French School Boards on May 4th.
November 2021, Council asked the Ministry of the Solicitor General to provide another public engagement session to update the public on the EOCC which took place on November 17th. View Ministry's Presentation.
Provincial Government News Releases
Ontario Investing in Expansion of Wastewater Treatment in Kemptville
KEMPTVILLE — The Ontario government is investing up to $21.8 million to expand the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) to support construction of the Eastern Ontario Correctional Complex (EOCC). The province will soon enter a cost share agreement with the Municipality of North Grenville for the expansion of the wastewater treatment plant.
Municipal Media Releases
November 2024
Ontario Government Pays its Way with $21.8 Million for Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
North Grenville, ON – Last week, the Government of Ontario announced up to $21.8 million in funding to support the expansion of North Grenville’s Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP), a critical investment to meet the needs of North Grenville’s rapidly growing community. The expansion of the plant...
Ontario Government Pays its Way with $21.8 Million for Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
December 2021
Mayor Peckford Requesting More Clarity Regarding Policing Costs Associated with Future Correctional Facility
NORTH GRENVILLE, ON - Mayor Peckford and Council are appealing to Minister Sylvia Jones, Ontario’s Solicitor General, for more clarity regarding the potential financial impacts on North Grenville’s taxpayers regarding policing costs resulting from the future correctional facility scheduled for...
Mayor Peckford Requesting More Clarity Regarding Policing Costs Associated with Future Correctional Facility
November 2021
An Update from Mayor Nancy Peckford on the Provincial Correctional Facility
NORTH GRENVILLE, ON – Council has heard a variety of perspectives on the proposed provincial correctional facility. While there are definitely some vocal opponents, there are many others who are either neutral or supportive. As Mayor and Council, our job is to plan for all outcomes and ensure the...
Council Pushes for More Clarity on Proposed Provincial Correctional Facility
Since the announcement last August that a correctional facility would be coming to North Grenville in 2027, Council and Municipal staff have been continuously engaging with the Ministry of the Solicitor General, Minister Sylvia Jones and Minister Steve Clark.
An Update from Mayor Nancy Peckford on the Provincial Correctional Facility
June 2021
Public Notice from the Ministry of the Solicitor General re:Construction Activity on Former Kemptville College Lands
The following notice was sent to the Municipality of North Grenville from the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Infrastructure Ontario re: Construction Activity on Former Kemptville College Lands. More information about the Eastern Ontario Correctional Complex project can be found on the...
Council Confirms Key Commitments from the Ministry of the Solicitor General regarding future Provincial Correctional Facility
NORTH GRENVILLE, ON - Several months after the announcement of a provincial correctional facility on the site of the old Kemptville College lands, Council has been able to achieve more clarity on some key items that have been of significant concern to the community.
Public Notice from the Ministry of the Solicitor General re:Construction Activity on Former Kemptville College Lands
March 2021
Statement by Mayor Nancy Peckford on the Proposed Provincial Correctional Facility
NORTH GRENVILLE, ON - Mayor Nancy Peckford issued the following statement on the proposed provincial Correctional Facility for North Grenville. A version of these remarks were shared at the March 23 Council Meeting. When I ran for Mayor, I had a clear vision for our community. Two things were not...
Statement by Mayor Nancy Peckford on the Proposed Provincial Correctional Facility
August 2020
Statement from Mayor Nancy Peckford on New Correctional Complex
NORTH GRENVILLE, ON – Mayor Nancy Peckford issued the following statement on the new provincial correctional facility to be built in Kemptville: On August 27, Premier Ford, alongside Solicitor General Sylvia Jones, and Steve Clark, MPP for Leeds, Grenville, Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes,...
Statement from Mayor Nancy Peckford on New Correctional Complex
November 2021, Council asked the Ministry of the Solicitor General to provide another public engagement session to update the public on the EOCC which took place on November 17th.