Be A Safe Pedestrian
Look, Listen and Be Seen
Walking on country roads – especially during winter – can cause increased hazards for pedestrians. There is less daylight, often making pedestrians less visible. As most rural roads do not have sidewalks, pedestrians may be required to walk along the shoulder.
Safety tips for Pedestrians:
- Pedestrians should be visible and wear bright colours and/or reflective strips.
- Pets should have a bright light on their collar.
- Pedestrians should always walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.
Reminders for Drivers:
- Share the road with all users, including pedestrians, snowmobiles and even the odd bike during the winter months.
- Be courteous, slow down and only pass other road users when there is no oncoming traffic.
- Slow down when the roads are less visible, especially at night or during inclement weather.