Accountability and Transparency Policy (68-13)
A By-Law to adopt an accountability and transparency policy. |
Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)(107-24)
A By-Law to implement an Administrative Monetary Penalty System to regulate and enforce designated by-laws. |
Administrative Monetary Penalty System Policies Included (AMPS) (106-24)
A By-Law to Adopt Policies for the Administrative Monetary Penalties System in North Grenville. |
Alcohol Policy By-Law (8-13)
This policy will minimize legal liability for the Municipality and the users as well as foster awareness of responsibilities of Special Occasion Permits to users so they may in turn encourage the responsible consumption of alcohol. |
All-Terrain Vehicles (104-16)
A By-Law to regulate the operation of all-terrain vehicles on Municipal roads. |
Animals – Care & Control (97-24)
A By-Law to provide for the care and control of animals within the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Asset Management Policy (31-19)
A By-Law to adopt a strategic asset management policy. |
Building By-Law (2-21)
Being a By-Law to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act and with respect to the establishment and requirement of the payment of fees for information and services. |
Building By-Law Amendment (80-22)
To amend By-Law 2-21 being a by-law to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act and with respect to the establishment and requirement of the payment of fees with the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Building Permits & Fees (1-21)
A By-Law to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act and with respect to the establishment and requirement of the payment of fees for information and services.
Capacity Allocation By-Law (66-20)
Being a By-Law to Manage the Allocation of Municipal Service Commitments |
Care of Roads (98-24)
A By-Law for the care of roads within the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Code of Conduct for Building Officials (45-05)
A By-Law to amend By-Law 88-98 Being a By-Law to Regulate the Appointment, Duties and Remuneration of Municipal Officers and Staff |
Committees of Council and Terms of Reference (23-23)
A By-Law to Establish the Committees of Council and Adopt the Terms of Reference |
Council Code of Conduct (59-14)
A By-Law to adopt a Code of Conduct policy for members of Council.(Schedule "A" of amended By-Law No. 90-14.) |
Council Code of Conduct Amendment (90-14)
A By-Law to amend the Code of Conduct Policy for Members of Council. |
Development Charges (104-19)
A By-Law with respect to Development Charges.
Development Charges By-Law - NW Quad (54-18)
A By-Law to Establish Area-Specific Development Charges |
Fees & Charges By-Law Amendment "Schedule A" (69-18)
A By-Law to amend By-Law 102-15 and adopt Schedules of Departmental Fees and Charges "Schedule "A" - Emergency & Protective Services" to for the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Fees & Charges By-Law Amendment (98-21)
A By-Law to amend By-Law 102-15, to include certain fees and charges related to the entry of telecommunication companies in Municipal rights-of-way. |
Fees and Charges By-Law (102-15)
A By-Law to Adopt Schedules of Departmental Fees & Charges. |
Fees and Charges By-Law Amendment "Schedule B & E" (14-18)
By-Law to Amend Schedules of Departmental Fees & Charges:Schedule B - Planning and DevelopmentScheduld E - Parks, Recreation & Culture |
Fences By-Law (99-24)
A By-Law to Regulate the Erection, Height and Maintenance of Fences. |
Flag By-Law (6-22)
A By-Law to Govern Requests for Flag Raising and the Flying of Flags at Half-Mast on Municipal Flag Poles. |
Fortification By-law 23-03
A by-law to regulate the fortification of land and protective elements applied to land and to prohibit excessive fortification of land and excessive protective elements being applied to land in relation to the use of land. |
Garage Sales By-Law
A By-Law to Regulate Garage Sales |
Garbage and Recycling Collection By-Law (7-21)
A By-Law to Regulate the Management, Collection, Removal and Disposal of Recyclables, Source Separated Organics and Waste Material in the Municipality of North Grenville |
Licence Door-To-Door Sales, Refreshment Vehicles & Transient Traders (104-15)
A By-Law for Licensing, Regulating and Governing of Transient Traders, Food/Refreshment Vehicles, Carnivals, Circuses & Midways And Door-to-Door Sales within the Municipality of North Grenville |
Licence Door-To-Door Sales, Refreshment Vehicles & Transient Traders Amendment (78-16)
An amendment to the By-Law for Licensing, Regulating and Governing of Refreshment Vehicles, Refreshment Carts and Mobile Canteens for the Municipality of North Grenville |
Marriage Services Fees and Charges Amendment (105-23)
A By-Law to Amend a Schedule of Departmental Fees & Charges For the Municipality of North Grenville |
Noise By-Law (100-24)
A By-Law Respecting Prohibited and Regulated Noise Within the Municipality of North Grenville. |
North Grenville Comprehensive Zoning By-Law (50-12)
A By-Law to regulate the use of land and the erection, use, bulk, height, spacing of and other matters relating to buildings and structures and to prohibit certain uses of land and the erection and use of certain buildings and structures within the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Open Air Fires & Burn Permits (33-12)
A By-Law to Prescribe the Precautions and Conditions Under Which Fires May be Set in Open Air. |
Parking (76-24)
A By-Law to Regulate and Control the Parking of Vehicles in the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Parks By-Law (101-24)
A By-Law to Regulate and Promote the responsible enjoyment and use of Parks and Facilities. |
Pool Enclosure By-Law (32- 98A)
A By-Law requiring owners of privately-owned outdoor swimming pools to erect and maintain fences and gates around such pools. |
Procedures of Council By-Law (4-19)
A By-Law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committees of Council. |
Procedures of council By-Law Amendment (24-20)
Property Standards By-Law (102-24)
A By-Law prescribing standards for maintenance and occupancy of property within the municipality. |
Refreshment Vehicles Amendment (35-22)
A By-Law to amend By-Law 104-15, Schedule B, for Licensing, Regulating, and Governing of Refreshment Vehicles within the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Roadway Service Standards (34-16)
A By-Law to Establish Roadway Minimum Service Standards for the Municipal Road System within the Jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Sewer Use (103-24)
A By-Law to Prohibit, Regulate and Control Discharges into the Public Sewer Systems. |
Signs By-Law (47-16)
A By-Law to regulate and prohibit signs and other advertising devices within the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Signs By-Law Amendment (15-25)
A By-Law to amend By-Law No. 47-16, being a By-Law to Regulate and Prohibit Signs Within the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Signs By-Law Amendment (77-22)
By-Law to Amend By-Law 47-16, for Regulating and Prohibiting Signs and Other Advertising Devices Within the Municipality of North Grenville. |
Signs By-Law Temporary Exemption Permit - Application Form
Smoking By-Law (104-24)
A by-law of the Municipality of North Grenville prohibiting the smoking and vaping of tobacco, cannabis, and any other substance in public places and workplaces. |
Transient Traders Amendment (58-24)
A By-Law to amend By-Law 104-15, Schedule A, for Licensing, Regulating, and Governing of Transient Traders. |
Water Use and Rate By Law (64-20)
A By-Law to regulate the installation, repair, maintenance, access & use of the Municipality's water supply system, water meters, sewer services & related appurtenances; the billing & collection of charges for water & sewer usage; and the penalties for offences. |
Yards By-Law (46-07)
A By-Law to require the owners of private property to maintain their lands in a safe and clean manner. |