Join other citizen scientists for the 2nd annual Kemptville Christmas bird count on December 29, 2022.
Started in 1900, the Christmas Bird Count is North America’s longest-running Citizen Science project. Counts happen in over 2000 locations throughout the Western Hemisphere.
The information collected by volunteers forms one of the world’s largest sets of wildlife survey data.
Each Christmas Bird Count is conducted on a single day between December 14 and January 5. Counts are carried out within a 24-km diameter circle that stays the same from year to year.
Kemptville’s circle was inaugurated last year with 34 local volunteers assisting with the bird count. We are registered as a count location by Birds Canada. The area includes Kemptville, Burritt’s Rapids, Oxford Station in the south and Baxter Conservation Area and parts of Marlborough Forest in the north.
If you are interested in getting on the Kemptville Christmas Bird Count mailing list please email us at
We hope that many of you will be interested to commit part or all of the count day as either a field observer or feeder watcher somewhere within the Kemptville circle. Field observers cover a portion of the count circle on their own or with a small group, counting all birds they find. Feeder watchers count birds at their feeders for a portion of the day.
For more information on how to participate, visit the Christmas Bird Count on the Birds Canada website.