Ryan’s Well Foundation


Clean Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Projects.

1,767 Water Projects
1,322 Latrines
1,507,911 People have access to clean water.

Our BUILD program supports the construction of clean water and sanitation services, and facilitates WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) training in partnership with local, non-governmental and community-based organizations in developing countries.


On the Importance of Access to Safe Water and Sanitation.

We are committed to improving the lives of vulnerable people through access to safe water and improved sanitation.

They say “Water is Life” because access to clean water is essential for hydration, food preparation, sanitation services and proper hygiene. When we EDUCATE citizens about water, we look to improve global health and well-being.

Read Our Story


To Get Involved and Make a Difference.

We believe that no matter how old you are, you can take action and effect positive change in the world.

Ryan’s story continues to MOTIVATE people of all ages – youth in particular – to take action and effect positive change in the world. Ryan’s Well Foundation uses Ryan’s inspiring story as an example of what one idea can become.

1,767 Water Projects

1,322 Latrines

1,507,911 People Now Have Clean Water

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